Sebastian Pop 3dfb41c564 compareSumTests3: Changed to GPLv3.
2007-12-26  Sebastian Pop  <sebastian.pop@amd.com>

	* compareSumTests3: Changed to GPLv3.
	* prepare_patch.sh: Same.
	* uninclude: Same.
	* dglib.pm: Same.
	* gennews: Same.
	* texi2pod.pl: Same.
	* analyze_brprob: Same.
	* gcc_build: Same.

From-SVN: r131186
2007-12-26 21:42:35 +00:00

425 lines
13 KiB

# Library of functions for dealing with DejaGNU, or which are otherwise
# generally useful for the DejaGNU tool stack.
# Author: Matthew Sachs <msachs@apple.com>
# Functions:
# parseLogFile: See "sub parseLogFile" below for details. This function
# returns a detailed parse of a DejaGNU log or sum file.
# ispass: Takes a DejaGNU result (e.g. "PASS", "XPASS") and returns
# true if and only if it is a passing result (PASS, XFAIL, or
# Copyright (c) 2006 Free Software Foundation.
# This file is part of GCC.
# GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package dglib;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(ispass parseLogFile);
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(mktime);
# Create a group hierarchy, returning the leaf node
sub mkGroupPath {
my($root, $groups, @newgroups) = @_;
my $parent = $root;
my $fullname = "";
foreach my $group(@newgroups) {
$fullname .= "/" if $fullname;
$fullname .= $group;
if(exists($groups->{$fullname})) {
$parent = $groups->{$fullname};
} else {
my $newgroup = {name => $group, parent => $parent};
$groups->{$fullname} = $newgroup;
$parent->{testgroup} ||= [];
push @{$parent->{testgroup}}, $newgroup;
$parent = $newgroup;
return $parent;
# Extract information from DejaGNU log or sum files.
# Options, if provided, should be a hashref with zero or more of the following keys:
# gccdir:
# Passing in the full path to the root of the gcc/testsuite directory
# will help in the parsing, but if it isn't provided, it will be guessed.
# diagnostics:
# If set to 0, diagnostics will not be returned. This can save a lot
# of memory if you are not using this information.
# fullname:
# If set to 0, the fullname key will not be included in tests.
# Returns a hash with the following keys:
# incomplete: 1 if the summary file appears truncated, otherwise 0
# diagnostics: List of (type, value) for any errors detected. Type can be ERROR, WARNING, or NOTE.
# test: Array of root-level tests, with keys:
# name: Name of the test, relative to the enclosing test group.
# fullname: Fully-qualified name of the test.
# result: DejaGNU result (PASS, FAIL, XPASS, &c)
# detail: For multi-phase (e.g. compile/link/execute), this will be
# the furthest phase which the test was able to attempt,
# so if the result is FAIL and this is "link phase", the test
# compiled but failed to link. This key may contain other
# auxiliary data.
# pseudotest: If 1, this test may not really exist; see "pseudotest" below.
# testgroup: Array of root-level testgroups, with keys:
# name: Name of the group.
# parent: Parent test group.
# test: As per above.
# testgroup: Child test groups.
# compiler: Version string from compiler used to run the tests (if detected)
sub parseLogFile($;$) {
my($logfile, $options) = @_;
$options ||= {};
my $gccdir = $options->{gccdir} || "";
my $return_diags = exists($options->{diagnostics}) ? $options->{diagnostics} : 1;
my $emit_fullname = exists($options->{fullname}) ? $options->{fullname} : 1;
my $is_gdb = 0;
my $gdbhack = "";
my %ret = (incomplete => 1, diagnostics => [], testgroup => []);
my(%testindex, %groupindex);
open(LOGFILE, $logfile) or die "Couldn't open log file $logfile: $!\n";
my($currgroup, $currtest, $lastrun);
$currgroup = \%ret;
my %monmap = (Jan => 0, Feb => 1, Mar => 2, Apr => 3, May => 4, Jun => 5, Jul => 6, Aug => 7, Sep => 8, Oct => 9, Nov => 10, Dec => 11);
# We don't want gccdir matching on an empty string.
$gccdir ||= "this will never match, or my name isn't Reginald St. Croix";
my $line = 1;
while(<LOGFILE>) {
s/\x{d}$//; #^M
next if $_ eq "";
if(/^gcc version/) {
$ret{compiler} = $_;
} elsif(/^got a .* signal, interrupted by user /) {
$ret{incomplete} = 2;
} elsif(/^\s*=== gdb/) {
$is_gdb = 1;
# The log file from the GDB test suite is prone to have random crap
# in front of test result lines, so we need to be looser about how
# we parse those for GDB.
$gdbhack = ".*";
} elsif(/^(Test Run By \S+ on|runtest completed at) ... (.{3}) (\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}) (\d{4})/) {
my $time = mktime($6, $5, $4, $3, $monmap{$2}, $7 - 1900);
if($1 eq "runtest completed at") {
$ret{end_time} = $time;
} else {
$ret{start_time} = $time;
} elsif(m<^Running (?!target )\Q$gccdir\E/?(\S+)> or m<^Running (?!target )\S*?((?:gcc|gdb|libstdc\+\+-v3)/testsuite/\S+)>) {
# We keep track of the last "Running foo/bar/baz.exp" line because
# some tests don't bother printing out the full paths of their files,
# and this gives us the directory information.
$lastrun = $1;
$lastrun =~ s!/[^/]*/\.\.!!; # foo/bar/../baz -> foo/baz
$currgroup = mkGroupPath(\%ret, \%groupindex, split(m!/!, $lastrun));
#$currgroup->{testfile} = $lastrun;
} elsif(/^Executing on (.*?):(.*)/) {
# Okay, if it's "Executing on host", it's a new
# file. If it's "Executing on unix", it's probably
# a test within the file -- an execution test, specifically --
# (makes sense, no?) But not always, sometimes we
# see "Executing on unix" outside the context of a
# file.
# Try to pick out the gccdir-relative filename.
# If we can't find it, it isn't really a new testfile,
# but a derived file.
my($exectype, $execwhat) = ($1, $2);
next if $execwhat =~ /^dsymutil/;
$execwhat =~
s!.*?\s\Q$gccdir\E/?(\S+).*!$1! or
s!.*?/((?:gcc|gdb|libstdc\+\+-v3)/testsuite/\S+).*!$1! or
$exectype = "unix";
if($exectype eq "host" or !$currgroup) {
# New file
my $nogroup = 0;
if($execwhat =~ / /) {
# We probably haven't parsed the file correctly.
# Try getting it from $lastrun.
$execwhat = dirname($lastrun) . "/" . basename($execwhat) if $lastrun and $execwhat;
$execwhat =~ s/\s.*//;
# At the end of each tool, it invokes "gcc -v" or "c++ -v"
# as a test. We don't really want to treat this as a test.
if($execwhat =~ m!/(gcc|c\+\+)$!) {
undef $currtest;
undef $currgroup;
$nogroup = 1;
if(!$nogroup) {
undef $currtest;
$execwhat =~ s!/[^/]*/\.\.!!; # foo/bar/../baz -> foo/baz
if($lastrun) {
my $lastbase = dirname($lastrun);
my $basegroup = $execwhat;
$basegroup =~ s!^\Q$lastbase\E/!!;
$execwhat = "$lastrun/$basegroup";
$currgroup = mkGroupPath(\%ret, \%groupindex, split(m!/!, $execwhat));
#$currgroup->{testfile} = $execwhat;
} else {
# New test within current file
$currtest = {};
} elsif(/^# of/) {
# This line appears should appear near the end of summary files.
# If it doesn't, something went wrong.
if($ret{incomplete} == 2) {
#Ah, but we previously saw indication that we were killed via a signal.
$ret{incomplete} = 1;
} else {
$ret{incomplete} = 0;
} elsif(/^testcase .* completed/) {
# End of a .exp file
undef $currtest;
undef $currgroup;
# If the currtest already has a name, that means we've already seen
# its results, so what we have now is a new test. However, if we
# haven't seen results for currtest yet, that means currtest just
# has some diagnostics associated with it but no actual results,
# so just use that one.
undef $currtest if $currtest->{name};
my $phase = ""; # compile/link/execute
my($test, $result) = ($2, $1);
# Compile/(link/)execute combining
if($test =~ /^(.*) compile\s*$/) {
$test = "$1 compile,link,execute";
$phase = "compile";
} elsif($test =~ /^(.*)-(.*) (link|execute)\s*$/) {
$test = "$1 compile,link,execute";
if($3 eq "link") {
$phase = "link";
} else {
$phase = "execute";
} elsif($test =~ /(compile|compilation|execute|execution)/) {
my $phasematch = $1;
if($test =~ /^com/) {
$phase = "compile";
} else {
$phase = "execute";
$test =~ s!\Q$phasematch\E!compile,execute!;
# gcov tests behave in non-standard fashion.
my $failwhy = "";
$test =~ s/ gcov failed: (.*)// and $failwhy = $1;
# And some other tests have random information after a colon :(
# But for scan-assembler, this really is part of the name.
if(!$is_gdb and $test !~ /scan-assembler/ and $test =~ s/:\s*(.+)//) {
$failwhy = $1;
$test =~ s/\s*$//;
$test =~ s/^\s*$//;
# Sometimes there's a test which shows up as:
# foo (test for excess errors)
# foo (something else)
# foo: error executing dg-final
# if it runs, but just:
# foo
# if it doesn't. When we see the top form, we create a
# "pseudotest" in the bottom form, so that comparisons
# can be made.
my $basetest = $test;
$basetest =~ s/:? .*//;
if(exists($testindex{$test}) and !$testindex{$test}->{pseudotest}) {
$currtest = $testindex{$test};
if(ispass($currtest->{result})) {
$currtest->{result} = $result;
$currtest->{detail} = "$phase phase";
$currtest->{detail} .= "; $failwhy" if $failwhy;
} else {
# This might have been created earlier as a pseudotest.
# If so, overwrite it.
$currtest ||= $testindex{$test} || {};
$currtest->{name} = basename($test);
if($emit_fullname) {
$currtest->{fullname} = ($currgroup->{name} || dirname($test)) . "/$currtest->{name}";
my $grpname = $currgroup->{name} || "";
$currtest->{name} =~ s/^\s*\Q$grpname\E\s*//;
$currtest->{name} =~ s/^: // if $is_gdb;
# Sometimes there's a test at the root of the group.
# For instance, you'll have:
# FAIL: foo/bar.c (test for excess errors)
# UNRESOLVED: foo/bar.c: couldn't open "bar.s": no such file or directory
# In this case, groupname *is* the entire name, so the regex above will make the test name empty.
# In this case, we actually want to use the parent group and make this a test within that group.
my $orig_currgroup = $currgroup;
if(!$currtest->{name}) {
$currtest->{name} = $grpname;
$currgroup = $currgroup->{parent};
$grpname = $currgroup->{name} || "";
$currtest->{result} = $result;
if($phase and $failwhy) {
$currtest->{detail} = "$phase phase; $failwhy" if $phase;
} elsif($phase) {
$currtest->{detail} = "$phase phase";
} elsif($failwhy) {
$currtest->{detail} = $failwhy;
$currgroup->{test} ||= [];
push @{$currgroup->{test}}, $currtest;
$testindex{$test} = $currtest;
$currgroup = $orig_currgroup;
if($basetest ne $test) {
if(!exists($testindex{$basetest}) ) {
my $btbase = basename($basetest);
$testindex{$basetest} = {
name => $btbase,
result => $result,
pseudotest => 1,
fullname => $btbase
if($emit_fullname) {
$testindex{basetest}->{fullname} = ($currgroup->{name} || dirname($basetest)) . "/$btbase";
push @{$currgroup->{parent}->{test}}, $testindex{$basetest};
} else {
# Only let the base test pass if all the sub-tests pass
$testindex{$basetest}->{result} = $result if !ispass($result);
} elsif(/^\s+=== .* Summary ===\s*$/) {
undef $currgroup;
undef $currtest;
my $severity;
if(/^(ERROR|WARNING|NOTE): (.*)/) {
$severity = $1;
my $message = $2;
if($message eq "program timed out.") {
$currtest->{result} = "TIMEDOUT";
} elsif(
$message =~ /can't read "(HOSTCC|libiconv)": no such variable/ or
$message =~ /no files matched glob pattern/ or
$message =~ /error executing dg-final: .*: no such file/
) {
$severity = "NOTE";
} else {
$severity = "logline";
if($return_diags) {
my $dobj;
if($currtest) {
$currtest->{diagnostics} ||= [];
$dobj = $currtest->{diagnostics};
} elsif($currgroup) {
$currgroup->{diagnostics} ||= [];
$dobj = $currgroup->{diagnostics};
} else {
$dobj = $ret{diagnostics};
push @$dobj, {message => $_, severity => $severity, line => $line};
} continue {
close LOGFILE;
return %ret;
# Split a test into testdivs
sub splitTest($$) {
my($root, $test) = @_;
$test->{fullname} =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
my($path, $descriptor) = ($1, $2);
my @nodes = split(m!/!, $path);
push @nodes, $descriptor if $descriptor;
my $lastnode = pop @nodes;
my $hash = $root;
foreach (@nodes) {
$hash->{testdiv} ||= {};
$hash = $hash->{testdiv}->{$_} ||= {};
$hash->{test} ||= {};
$hash->{test}->{$lastnode} = $test;
# ==== Comparison ====
sub ispass($) {
my $result = shift;
if($result eq "PASS" or $result eq "XFAIL" or $result eq "KFAIL") {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;