1997-01-19 20:34:35 -05:00

118 lines
3.1 KiB

$v='f$verify(0) !make-cccp.com
$! Build the GNU C preprocessor on VMS.
$! Usage:
$! $ @make-cccp.com [compiler] [link-only]
$! where [compiler] is one of "GNUC", "VAXC", "DECC";
$! default when none specified is "GNUC",
$! and where [link-only] is "LINK" or omitted.
$! If both options are specified, the compiler must come first.
$ if f$type(gcc_debug).eqs."INTEGER" then if gcc_debug.and.1 then set verify
$ p1 = f$edit(p1,"UPCASE,TRIM")
$ if p1.eqs."" then p1 = "GNUC"
$! Compiler-specific setup (assume GNU C, then override as necessary):
$ CC = "gcc"
$ CFLAGS = "/Debug/noVerbos"
$ LIBS = "gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/Libr,sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Libr"
$ if p1.nes."GNUC"
$ then
$ CC = "cc"
$ CFLAGS = "/noOpt" !disable optimizer when bootstrapping with native cc
$ if p1.eqs."VAXC"
$ then
$ if f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT").nes."" then CC = "cc/VAXC"
$ LIBS = "alloca.obj,sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Libr"
$ define/noLog SYS SYS$LIBRARY:
$ else
$ if p1.eqs."DECC"
$ then
$ if f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT").nes."" then CC = "cc/DECC"
$ LIBS = "alloca.obj" !DECC$SHR will be found implicitly by linker
$ else
$ if p1.nes."LINK"
$ then
$ type sys$input: /Output=sys$error:
[compiler] argument should be one of "GNUC", "VAXC", or "DECC".
$ @make-cccp.com [compiler] [link-only]
$ exit %x1000002C + 0*f$verify(v) !%SYSTEM-F-ABORT
$ endif !!LINK
$ endif !DECC
$ endif !VAXC
$ endif !!GNUC
$! Other setup:
$ LDFLAGS = "/noMap"
$ PARSER = "bison"
$ RENAME = "rename/New_Version"
$ LINK = "link"
$ echo = "write sys$output"
$! Nothing beyond this point should need any local configuration changes.
$! Set the default directory to the same place as this command procedure.
$ flnm = f$enviroment("PROCEDURE") !get current procedure name
$ set default 'f$parse(flnm,,,"DEVICE")''f$parse(flnm,,,"DIRECTORY")'
$ if p1.eqs."LINK" .or. p2.eqs."LINK" then goto Link
$ echo " Building the preprocessor."
$! Compile the simplest file first, to catch problem with compiler setup early.
$ set verify
$ 'CC''CFLAGS' version.c
$ set verify
$ 'CC''CFLAGS' cccp.c
$! Compile preprocessor's parser, possibly making it with yacc first.
$ if f$search("CEXP.C").nes."" then -
if f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("CEXP.C","RDT")).ges.-
f$cvtime(f$file_attributes("CEXP.Y","RDT")) then goto skip_yacc
$ set verify
$ 'PARSER' cexp.y
$ 'RENAME' cexp_tab.c cexp.c
$ echo " (Ignore any warning about not finding file ""bison.simple"".)"
$ set verify
$ 'CC''CFLAGS' cexp.c
$! In case there's no builtin alloca support, use the C simulation.
$ if f$locate("alloca.obj",f$edit(LIBS,"lowercase")).lt.f$length(LIBS)
$ then
$ set verify
$ 'CC''CFLAGS'/Incl=[]/Defi=("HAVE_CONFIG_H","STACK_DIRECTION=(-1)") alloca.c
$ endif
$ echo " Linking the preprocessor."
$ set verify
$ 'LINK''LDFLAGS'/Exe=gcc-cpp.exe -
$! Done
$ exit 1+0*f$verify(v)