Double_Helix_Toothbrush_Holder/Double Helix Toothbrush Holder Standard Revision.scad

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2024-01-08 17:15:10 -05:00
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Double Helix Toothbrush Holder Standard Revision - Copyright Matthew McClain 2024 *
* MCGIT : *
* Printables: *
* *
* This project is licensed as such: *
* You are free to use this code for personal use. If you alter or include this code *
* in your own projects you must include credit to my name and a link to this project *
* either to the page, or mcgit repository. *
* Commercial use is prohibited without a commercial license. This includes either *
* selling the code or model files derived from the code, as well as printing for *
* the purpose of selling. I am more then happy to offer a commerical license for *
* a reasonable offer. Please contact me via or mcgit if you are *
* interested in a commercial license. *
* *
* Parameters: *
* There are 9 parameters to this model as follows, *
* *
* height : The height of the helix in mm. The total model height will be *
* this height + thickness/2 +1-2 *
* steps : This setting will control the granularity of the design, a lower number*
* will result in smoother model but take much longer to render *
* radius : The radius of the entire toothbrush holder *
* thickness : The radius of the helix spirals *
* brushhole : This is the diameter of the hole the toothbrish will sit in *
* tubethickness : This will be the tube wall thickness of the toothbrush holder *
* floorthickness: The thickness from the bottom of the model to floor of brush tube *
* drainholediam : The diameter of the drain hole at the buttom of each brush tube *
* brushes : Total number of toothbrushes the holder will have *
* *
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$fn = 60;
height = 100; // This is the total height of the toothbrush holder
steps = 3; // Number of steps to take to get to height
radius = 25; // This is the total radius of the tothbrush holder
thickness = 20; // This is the thickness of the toothbrush holder twists
brushhole = 16; // This is the thickness of the hole a toothbrush will sit in
tubethickness = 2; // This is the wall thickness of the toothbrush tube walls
floorthickness = 2; // How thick should the floor be on the bottom of the holder
drainholediam = 5; // Diamater of drain hole at bottom of brush holder tubes
brushes = 6; // Total number of brushes
difference() {
union() {
for (i=[0:steps:height-steps]) {
// Twist 1
hull() {
rotate([0,0,(360*i)/height]) translate([radius,0,i]) sphere(d=thickness);
rotate([0,0,(360*(i+steps))/height]) translate([radius,0,i+steps]) sphere(d=thickness);
// Twist 2
hull() {
rotate([0,0,(360*(i-(height/2)))/height]) translate([radius,0,i]) sphere(d=thickness);
rotate([0,0,(360*((i+steps)-(height/2)))/height]) translate([radius,0,i+steps]) sphere(d=thickness);
// Base Ring
rotate_extrude(convexity=10) translate([radius,0,0]) circle(d=thickness);
// Top Ring
translate([0,0,height]) rotate_extrude(convexity=10) translate([radius,0,0]) circle(d=thickness);
// Toothbrush pillar
for (i=[0:brushes-1]) {
rotate([0,0,(360/brushes)*i]) translate([radius,0,0]) cylinder(d=brushhole+(tubethickness*2),h=height);
// Toothbrush Hole
for (i=[0:brushes-1]) {
rotate([0,0,(360/brushes)*i]) translate([radius,0,floorthickness]) cylinder(d=brushhole,h=height+(thickness/2));
// Drain Hole
rotate([0,0,(360/brushes)*i]) translate([radius,0,-thickness/2]) cylinder(d=drainholediam,h=thickness);
// Flatten bottom some to make for better print adhesion
translate([-(radius*1.5),-(radius*1.5),-((thickness/2)+floorthickness)]) cube([radius*3,radius*3,thickness/2]);